
You can find a PDF with all papers in the official proceedings.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

19:00-21:00Welcome Reception at the conference venue

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

8:30-8:45 Opening & Welcome
Session 1 Chair: Matthias Müller-Hannemann

Invited Talk: Facing Symmetry in Practice: DOs and DON'Ts of avoiding repeats

Pascal Schweitzer, TU Darmstadt

In the talk, I will give a gentle introduction to the various types of problems involving symmetry that appear during combinatorial calculations. In fact, challenges with symmetries appear in diverse contexts, such as SAT-solving or integer programming but also when generating objects up to isomorphism. I will highlight traditional and recent methods as well as tools that can be leveraged to overcome these problems or speed up computation. The talk will end with challenges that one encounters in current implementations, such as questions of interfaces, changing computational models, and dynamic exploitation of symmetries.

9:45-10:15 ☕ COFFEE BREAK
Session 2 Chair: Sabine Storandt
10:15-10:40 Manuel Cáceres, Brendan Mumey, Santeri Toivonen and Alexandru I. Tomescu. Practical Minimum Path Cover
10:40-11:05 Jonas Charfreitag, Petra Mutzel, Lukas Schürmann, Philip Mayer and Christine Dahn. Separator based Data Reduction for the Maximum Cut Problem
11:05-11:30 Kenneth Langedal, Demian Hespe and Peter Sanders. Targeted Branching for the Maximum Independent Set Problem Using Graph Neural Networks
11:30-11:55 Christoph Staudt, Mark Blacher, Julien Klaus, Farin Lippmann and Joachim Giesen. Improved Cut Strategy for Tensor Network Contraction Orders
11:55-13:30 LUNCH
Session 3 Chair: David Coudert
13:30-13:55 Adil Chhabra, Marcelo Fonseca Faraj, Christian Schulz and Daniel Seemaier. Buffered Streaming Edge Partitioning
13:55-14:20 S M Ferdous, Alex Pothen and Mahantesh Halappanavar. Streaming Matching and Edge Cover in Practice
14:20-14:45 Patrick Dinklage, Johannes Fischer and Nicola Prezza. Top-k frequent patterns in streams and parameterized-space LZ compression
14:45-15:15 ☕ COFFEE BREAK ☕

Social Event: Guided Tour at the United Nations Office

Please also check the information for visitors. In particular, please make sure to bring a valid government-issued photo identification and, if you're registered as a student, your student ID. There will be security checks at the entrance.

Directions: From the conference venue, walk over to the U2 underground station Schottenring. Take underground line U2 in direction Aspernstraße or Seestadt (either is fine). Get off at Praterstern and change to underground line U1, direction Leopoldau. Exit at the front of the train at station Kaisermühlen/VIC (Vienna International Centre). We meet at 4pm at the exit towards VIC main entrance (Gate 1).

Directions on Google Maps

Thursday, July 25, 2024

8:55-9:00 Opening
Session 4 Chair: Kathrin Hanauer

Invited Talk: Social Network Analysis: From Clustering to Link Recommendation

Yllka Velaj, University of Vienna

In recent years, social networking platforms have enhanced our connections and access to information. Understanding the structure and dynamics of these social networks is crucial and has attracted attention from various fields, including marketing and epidemiology.
In this talk, we will explore methods to address these challenges.
First, we introduce SpectralMix, a clustering algorithm designed to reveal major patterns in attributed multi-relational networks and detect dependencies between graph structure and user attributes. Next, we discuss a link recommendation algorithm aimed at maximizing information diffusion within networks.

10:00-10:30 ☕ COFFEE BREAK ☕
Session 5 Chair: Claudio Gentile
10:30-10:55 Daniel Hambly, Rhyd Lewis and Padraig Corcoran. Determining Fixed-Length Paths in Directed and Undirected Edge-Weighted Graphs
10:55-11:20 Jakub Komárek and Martin Koutecky. Experimental Analysis of LP Scaling Methods Based on Circuit Imbalance Minimization
11:20-11:45 Gabriel Ponte, Marcia Fampa and Jon Lee. Convex relaxation for the generalized maximum-entropy sampling problem
11:45-12:10 Deborah Hendrych, Mathieu Besançon and Sebastian Pokutta. Solving the Optimal Experiment Design Problem with Mixed-Integer Convex Methods
12:10-14:00 LUNCH
Session 6 Chair: Bora Uçar
14:00-14:25 David Coudert, Mónika Csikós, Guillaume Ducoffe and Laurent Viennot. Practical Computation of Graph VC-Dimension
14:25-14:50 Marcelo Fonseca Faraj, Ernestine Großmann, Felix Joos, Thomas Möller and Christian Schulz. Engineering Weighted Connectivity Augmentation Algorithms
14:50-15:15 Takehide Soh, Takumu Watanabe, Jun Kawahara, Akira Suzuki and Takehiro Ito. Scalable Hard Instances for Independent Set Reconfiguration
15:15-15:40 Giovanna Kobus Conrado, Amir Kafshdar Goharshady, Pavel Hudec, Pingjiang Li and Harshit Jitendra Motwani. Faster Treewidth-based Approximations for Wiener Index
15:40-16:10 ☕ COFFEE BREAK ☕
Session 7 Chair: Alex Pothen
16:10-16:35 Nico Bertram, Johannes Fischer and Lukas Nalbach. Move-r: Optimizing the r-index
16:35-17:00 Paolo Boldi, Stefano Marchini and Sebastiano Vigna. Engineering Zuffix Arrays
17:00-17:25 Matthew D. Laws, Jocelyn Bliven, Kit Conklin, Elyes Laalai, Samuel McCauley and Zach S. Sturdevant. SPIDER: Improved Succinct Rank and Select Performance
20:00-23:00 Conference Dinner at Heuriger Mayer am Pfarrplatz (Google Maps)

Friday, July 26, 2024

8:50-9:00 Opening
Session 8 Chair: Leo Liberti
09:00-09:25 Andreas Grigorjew, Fernando H. C. Dias, Andrea Cracco, Romeo Rizzi and Alexandru I. Tomescu. Accelerating ILP solvers for Minimum Flow Decompositions through search space and dimensionality reductions
09:25-9:50 Frederik L. Jatzkowski, Antonia Schmidt, Robert Mank, Steffen Schüler and Matthias Müller-Hannemann. Barcode Selection and Layout Optimization in Spatial Transcriptomics
09:50-10:15 Simone Faro, Stefano Scafiti and Matthew N. Palmer. Efficient Exact Online String Matching Through Linked Weak Factors
10:15-10:45 ☕ COFFEE BREAK ☕
Session 9 Chair: Christian Schulz
10:45-11:10 Theo Conrads, Lukas Drexler, Joshua Marc Könen, Daniel R. Schmidt and Melanie Schmidt. Local Search k-means++ with Foresight
11:10-11:35 Dominika Draesslerová, Omar Ahmed, Travis Gagie, Jan Holub, Benjamin Langmead, Giovanni Manzini and Gonzalo Navarro. Taxonomic classification with maximal exact matches in KATKA kernels and minimizer digests
11:35-12:00 Bernhard Sebastian Germann, Klaus Jansen, Felix Ohnesorge and Malte Tutas. 3/2-dual approximation for CPU/GPU scheduling
12:00-12:25 Sebastian Urrutia and Vinicius F. dos Santos. Finding the minimum cost acceptable element in a sorted matrix
12:25-14:00 LUNCH
Session 10 Chair: Simone Faro
14:00-14:25 Nick Krumbholz, Stefan Funke, Peter Schäfer and Sabine Storandt. Algorithms for Gradual Polyline Simplification
14:25-14:50 Vadim Lebovici, Steve Oudot and Hugo Passe. Efficient computation of topological integral transforms
14:50-15:15 Philip Mayer and Petra Mutzel. Engineering A* Search for the Flip Distance of Plane Triangulations
15:15-16:30 Business Meeting